World Bicycle Day -

World Bicycle Day : Date, History, Significance, Theme, and Quotes

World Bicycle Day : Date, History, Significance, Theme, and Quotes


World Bicycle Day is celebrated on June 3rd each year.


World Bicycle Day is celebrated on June 3rd each year. The day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in April 2018, following a proposal by Turkmenistan. The resolution was adopted to recognize the uniqueness, longevity, and versatility of the bicycle, which has been in use for over two centuries and serves as a simple, affordable, reliable, clean, and environmentally fit sustainable means of transportation.


World Bicycle Day aims to promote the benefits of cycling, emphasizing its role in fostering sustainable development, health, and well-being. Cycling is a means of access to education, health care, and sports. It also contributes to the economy and reduces pollution and traffic congestion. The day encourages governments to adopt policies and measures to promote cycling as a means of transportation and leisure, advocating for improved road safety and infrastructure to support cyclists.


Each year, World Bicycle Day focuses on a specific theme that highlights different aspects of cycling and its benefits. Themes typically revolve around promoting health, sustainability, and accessibility. For example, recent themes have underscored the importance of integrating cycling into public transport systems, promoting active lifestyles, and encouraging eco-friendly transportation solutions.

World Bicycle Day – Quotes

Here are some inspirational quotes that reflect the spirit of World Bicycle Day:

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

“The bicycle is a simple solution to some of the world’s most complicated problems.” – Anonymous

“When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.” – Arthur Conan Doyle

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.” – H.G. Wells

“It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them.” – Ernest Hemingway

“Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling.” – James E. Starrs

“Bicycles are the indicator species of a community, like shellfish in a bay.” – P. Martin Scott

“When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments.” – Elizabeth West

“Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There’s something wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym.” – Bill Nye

“A bicycle ride around the world begins with a single pedal stroke.” – Scott Stoll

“Bicycles are almost as good as guitars for meeting girls.” – Bob Weir

“Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

“Bicycles are the epitome of freedom. They allow you to get out and explore, to escape the confines of daily life, to feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. It’s like flying, but on the ground.” – Danielle Weiler

“A bicycle does get you there and more… And there is always the thin edge of danger to keep you alert and comfortably apprehensive. Dogs become dogs again and snap at your raincoat; potholes become personal. And getting there is all the fun.” – Bill Emerson

“I have always struggled to achieve excellence. One thing that cycling has taught me is that if you can achieve something without a struggle it’s not going to be satisfying.” – Greg LeMond

“You can’t be sad while riding a bicycle.” – Unknown

“A bicycle ride is a flight from sadness.” – James E. Starrs

“To me, it doesn’t matter whether it’s raining or the sun is shining or whatever: as long as I’m riding a bike, I know I’m the luckiest guy in the world.” – Mark Cavendish

“A bicycle does get you there and more… And there is always the thin edge of danger to keep you alert and comfortably apprehensive.” – Bill Emerson

“The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine.” – John Howard

“The bicycle is the noblest invention of mankind.” – William Saroyan

“I find buying a bicycle is a great way to stay in touch with people.” – Jan Chipchase

“A bicycle is the finest mode of transport known to man.” – Adam Hart-Davis

“The bicycle is just as good company as most husbands and, when it gets old and shabby, a woman can dispose of it and get a new one without shocking the entire community.” – Ann Strong

“Cyclists see considerably more of this beautiful world than any other class of citizens. A good bicycle, well applied, will cure most ills this flesh is heir to.” – Dr. K. K. Doty

“A bicycle does get you there and more… And there is always the thin edge of danger to keep you alert and comfortably apprehensive. Dogs become dogs again and snap at your raincoat; potholes become personal.” – Bill Emerson

“As a kid I had a dream – I wanted to own my own bicycle. When I got the bike I must have been the happiest boy in Liverpool, maybe the world. I lived for that bike.” – John Lennon

“Life is like riding a bicycle: you don’t fall off unless you stop pedaling.” – Claude Pepper

“Think of bicycles as rideable art that can just about save the world.” – Grant Petersen

“Bicycles are the badge of the freeborn.” – Chip Brown

“Riding bicycles will not only benefit the individual doing it, but the world at large.” – Udo E. Simonis

“It never gets easier, you just go faster.” – Greg LeMond

“When I go biking, I repeat a mantra of the day’s sensations: bright sun, blue sky, warm breeze, blue jay’s call, ice melting and so on. This helps me transcend the traffic, ignore the clamorings of work, leave all the mind theaters behind and focus on nature instead. I still must abide by the rules of the road, of biking, of gravity. But I am mentally far away from civilization. The world is breaking someone else’s heart.” – Diane Ackerman

“When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realized that the Lord doesn’t work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me.” – Emo Philips

“Bicycles may change, but cycling is timeless.” – Zapata Espinoza

“The journey of life is like a man riding a bicycle. We know he got on the bicycle and started to move. We know that at some point he will stop and get off. We know that if he stops moving and does not get off he will fall off.” – William Golding

“It is the unknown around the corner that turns my wheels.” – Heinz Stücke

“Ride as much or as little, as long or as short as you feel. But ride.” – Eddy Merckx

World Bicycle Day celebrates the many benefits of cycling and promotes it as a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation. By recognizing this day, we acknowledge the importance of bicycles in achieving sustainable development goals, improving health, and creating inclusive and resilient communities. Whether for commuting, exercise, or leisure, cycling is a timeless activity that brings joy and numerous benefits to people of all ages.

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