Historical Quotes About Leadership - wordscoach.com

Historical Quotes About Leadership

Historical Quotes About Leadership

Leadership is the ability to influence and motivate others to achieve a common goal. It is a complex skill that requires a variety of qualities, including intelligence, charisma, and decisiveness.

Throughout history, there have been many great leaders who have inspired and changed the world. Their words and wisdom can still teach us valuable lessons about leadership today.

Here are some historical quotes about leadership:

“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”

~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

“The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.”

~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

~ Steve Jobs

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the vast and endless sea.”

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to go.”

~ Rosalynn Carter

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

~ Abraham Lincoln

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

~ John C. Maxwell

“In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”

~ Max DePree

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.”

~ Ronald Reagan

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.”

~ Simon Sinek

“The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.”

~ Ralph Nader

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

~ Warren Bennis

“Leadership is not about being in the front. It is about taking care of those in the front.”

~ Anonymous

“To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

“The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are.”

~ John C. Maxwell

“You do not lead by hitting people over the head—that’s assault, not leadership.”

~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

“Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them.”

~ Colin Powell

“The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes.”

~ Tony Blair

“Leadership is not about being in control. It is about making people feel safe.”

~ Simon Sinek

“Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.”

~ Harold S. Geneen

“A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.”

~ Douglas MacArthur

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

~ Steve Jobs

“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”

~ Mother Teresa

These are just a few examples of the many historical quotes about leadership. These quotes offer valuable insights into the qualities and skills that are essential for effective leadership.

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